Uncle's Dark Fairy Tales: By Pumpernickel Rye
Prepare to enter a world of dragons, trolls, goblins, and witches, with only the occasional happily ever after! A collection of new fairy tales from the imagination of Pumpernickel Rye.
The Quest for the White Flame: By Pumpernickel Rye
Fairies have taken control of the land of Alman by beguiling the people with an enchanted fire. The once united people have been shattered into small kingdoms kept under control through fear, both of the fairies and of each other. A child born of two kingdoms will be sacrificed at the next blood moon, as is the custom of the fairies, unless the child's father, Torben, can find and bring back the eternal flame that once united the people. Sometimes, the only way for a man to save his child is to save the world!
Captain T.J. Jones & The Fortress of Baraq: By P.N. Rye
A Princess of the kingdom of Evelosia has been kidnaped by a rouge commander of an enemy empire. Theodore Jefferson Jones, a man from a far off world called Earth, sets out to rescue her
The Tall Tale Of Willy McGee: By P.N. Rye
This will be a story I write by the seat of my pants. There will not be much in the way of editing. Its basically a fantasy story set in late 1800s Illinois.